Creating a new water source for South Orange County is a cornerstone of SOCWA’s mission. While we don’t literally “create” new water (the same amount of water has been on earth since the dinosaurs!) we capture, treat and distribute for reuse roughly six billion gallons of water every year. That’s enough to fill a football field with a foot of water 38 times a day!
This is water that would have otherwise washed out to sea and been replaced by an expensive potable (drinking) water supply that must be imported from hundreds of miles away. Recycled water sources go through rigorous treatment to meet or exceed intense state and federal requirements prior to reuse.
Recycled Water Uses
- Irrigation parks, golf courses, medians and landscape areas
- Recreational lakes, including swimming and fishing
- Dust control
- Industrial processes
- Commercial toilets
Learn more about the community wide benefits of recycled water.
Regulatory Documents
2014 Salt & Nutrient Management Plan